The philosophy of Needs-Based Coaching

Your heart and skills define tomorrow

What is Need-Based Coaching?

Needs-Based Coaching is a coaching philosophy and approach that builds on our belief that every human being makes sense, and that everyone has the right to be who they are even though this might not be what their lived experience has taught them.

In Needs-Based Coaching, we focus on identifying and embracing the individual's lived experience, understanding their underlying needs, and connecting with the dream of their heart as a pathway to personal growth and sustainable decisions.

We recognize that human needs, whether aware or not, are fundamental drivers of human behavior and emotional well-being, and coaching becomes a journey of getting familiar with the inner reality as well as navigating the outer landscapes gracefully in accordance with the client’s needs and values.

Coach Education - Steeped in Nonviolent Communication & Resonant Healing

Inspiration from various psychological and neurobiological  theories and concepts,have shaped this educational program, including:

  • Nonviolent Communication,

  • Coaching for Transformation,

  • Polyvagal Theory,

  • Internal Family Systems,

  • Social Baseline Theory,

  • and not least, Resonant Language.

A Needs-Based Coach takes a comprehensive view of an individual's situation, recognizing that everyone has a unique lived experience and that a one-size-fits-all approach to coaching is not effective. They partner closely with their client to identify their specific conditions and challenges and design an ever-adaptive personalized route for growth, and they accompany them confidently on the twists and turns of the journey.

We have developed the most powerful program we could imagine for our students’ personal and professional journeys. We translate psychology and neuroscience findings into an experiential coaching methodology, that is widely accessible and doesn’t require an academic degree..

It delivers a concrete professional skill set while developing the coach’s capacity for presence and relevance. Graduates of Needs-Based Coaching express that they experience a leap forward in their personal development through our educational program while learning the professional skills to support others to experience similar personal transformation. A wave of needed and sustainable change is spreading. 

Needs-Based Coaching is

a world-changing practice.

As we are all cells in the larger body of life, the journey toward self-connection opens to sensing the linkage between personal, communal, and planetary well-being. Graduates and their clients form clear signs of evidence: They have started men’s groups, launched cooperatives, involved themselves in schools or kindergartens, invited for conferences, stepped into proactive influence at work, and engaged in other nonviolent activities for the greater good.

Thus, the intention behind Needs-Based Coaching is to promote sustainable change by empowering people to face and respond proactively to their challenges. When individuals accept themselves and have grown into responsibility for their relationships and impacts, they become the change this world needs.

They become like midwives supporting the essential qualities of the client to be born and manifested. In a high-paced world where so many of us experience daily performance evaluation through social media and mass media communication, where severe crisis is present every day, it seems a pandemic of stress and day-to-day survival has replaced reflected, wise living together. A Needs-Based Coach knows how to live from the center of themselves, and their calm and responsive presence guides the people they support to find a centered place in themselves from where sustainable decisions can be made.

The Needs-Based Coaching Institute is a vibrant and growing enterprise that organizes this educational endeavor and offers a crucible for ideas and initiatives related to coaching education and nonviolence.

It serves furthermore as a house for our alumni to reconnect: a place to return to for community and mastery-building. Needs-Based Coaching can be adapted to a wide range of personal development goals and challenges, making it attractive for students from various backgrounds and with different aspirations. So far, Needs-based Coaching has reached students from six continents, counting 21 countries, online and in-person. We, the creators of Needs-Based Coaching, hold the vision eventually to reach every soul on this Earth through ripple effects. Are you the next person we reach?